Thank you.

We want to thank so many of you for supporting Garden City over the last year. Through your generosity, the ministries and mission of our church have been able to continue and be strengthened, and we are joyfully anticipating what God is going to do in 2024.

As a community, we say a generosity prayer that comes directly from Scripture and was crafted by our leadership team. As we look ahead to the end of the year, we want to invite you to live this prayer. This means closing the gap between our current standards of generosity and the Kingdom standards taught by Jesus.

Regardless of where you find yourself, we believe this can happen three ways:

  1. If you are not already giving, we invite you to start giving.

  2. If you are giving periodically, we invite you to begin regular, recurring donations.

  3. If you have been giving regularly, thank you! This year, we want to invite you to go above and beyond in sacrificial giving.

We believe that together, as a church community, our generosity will help advance God’s Kingdom in our area and beyond.

If you call Garden City your home, consistently enjoy our content and teachings, or want to support the work God is doing in our church, we encourage you to step out in generosity by giving.

Giving to this offering will look different for every person, so we invite you to sincerely pray about the asks above, and let the Spirit lead you forward.

Generosity Prayer

We invite you to take a moment and read our Generosity Prayer that we pray in our homes as a practice of counter-formation, to cultivate our hearts in the direction of generosity.


I acknowledge that everything I possess is a gift from You. My possessions and my being are Yours, redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus. As Your beloved child, my heart's desire is to seek Your Kingdom and follow Your ways. It is an honor to give with a cheerful heart today, knowing that You have blessed me so that I may be a blessing to Your Kingdom and those around me.

I trust that the windows of Heaven are wide open for me, and that You will pour out blessings upon me until there is no more need. I am confident that You will rebuke the enemy on my behalf so that my household may prosper in all that we do.

By giving sacrificially, I will resist the self-gratifying systems of the world and the delusion of riches that choke Your Word. I am committed to increase in generosity to the point where it can be affirmed that there is no needy person among us. I am resolved to be trustworthy even in the small matter of money, that You may trust me with true riches.

Thank You for providing for all my needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. I am grateful for Your unwavering love and faithfulness in my life. May Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
