Welcome to Garden City Church. We’re so glad you’re here.

We exist to help you become the person God created you to be.

In the Holy Scripture, we see that humans were made to be image-bearers of God; to reflect the glory and love of God to creation. When sin entered this world through humans, our image-bearing, reflecting ability became cracked and distorted. No longer did we reflect the Creator, but our own sinful nature and the idols that held us captive.

However, through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we were given a way back to our original design. By accepting God’s gift of salvation, we have been and are being restored into the image of Christ. Each child of God is gifted and designed to reflect Jesus to this world in their own unique way. Until God’s Garden City is fully established on this earth, we will keep beholding our Savior as we become the people God created us to be.

Our Pursuits:

What we're pursuing as we commit to live out God's desires for Garden City.

PRAYER: Prayer is the central way God transforms us and this world. Through loving communication with God, His will becomes our greatest desire. Prayer is relationship.

PRESENCE: As we make worship, prayer, and the pursuit of God our highest priority, He will faithfully manifest His presence and power among us. We will not trust in our own ability or strength but in the Holy Spirit to accomplish His will on this earth.

PEOPLE: Through experiencing God-aware relational community and practicing the way of Jesus together, our hope is that people will start to flourish and grow into the image of God.

A Note from our Pastors

Welcome to Garden City Church! We can't tell you how thrilled we are that you are interested in this community.

Did you know that God has a plan for your life? Our heart is to see you walk in that plan and become who God created you to be. At Garden City, you will learn God's original design for you and how that impacts your everyday life.

Our prayer is that as you explore faith and our community that you will encounter the overwhelming love of Jesus Christ! We pray that you will experience the Good News firsthand and that it will radically transform your life. And that as you encounter the power of Holy Spirit, in the context of community, your life will forever be changed.

May our God who is able to do above and beyond what we could ask or think, bring about His Kingdom in this area!


Pastors Slavic and Paige Sagach

We commit to be a covenant-based community of faith who fulfill God’s redemptive desire for His people found in Isaiah 58:6-10. We will:

  • Break every form of oppression in our lives, churches, and society.

  • Invest in the lives of our families.

  • Live lives free of gossip and criticism.

  • Advocate and care for the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized.

  • Comfort those who are suffering.

We are protected by a Financial Advisory Team.

These are members of the congregation who oversee the finances and direct the provision of the facilities needed by the church. They provide counsel to the Pastors regarding the major financial commitments of the church.

The members of the Garden City Church Financial Team are:

Tim Schmucker

Eric Claywell

Michele Schmidt

June Wisel

We are strengthened by Overseers.

The Overseers are pastors of respected congregations who love Garden City Church and are willing to provide spiritual protection to the church. They may be called in to help in accountability matters relating to the Pastors if requested by the Pastoral Staff.

The Overseers for Garden City Church are:

Les Beauchamp - Lifegate Church, Nebraska

Lee Cummings - Radiant Church, Michigan

Chad Everett - The Roads Church, Illinois